a calendar made for

executive assistants

Vimcal EA is the first calendar designed for those who schedule on behalf of others.
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Finally, a calendar made for

executive assistants

The first calendar designed for those who schedule meetings on behalf of others.
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Finally, a calendar made for executive assistants.

The first calendar designed for those who schedule meetings on behalf of others.
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Trusted by C-Suite EAs at

The fastest way to send availabilities

Sharing booking links is awkward. Typing out your availabilities is tedious. Vimcal gives you the best of both worlds.

Stop creating and deleting calendar holds

It takes 77 clicks to find available times and create holds until you get a confirmation. With Vimcal’s auto-deleting holds, it’s just 8.
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No more time zone mistakes

Never do time zone math again when scheduling for traveling executives or with people in different countries.
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“I'm now probably saving an hour a day on otherwise meaningless activity. That alone makes Vimcal EA worthwhile."
Nicole Schafer
Executive Assistant
Protocol Labs

For those who support too many execs

Declutter your calendar with individualized time zones, preferences, and more for each person you support. They don't even need to opt-in.
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Photographers have Photoshop.
Salespeople have Salesforce.

EAs now have Vimcal EA.

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Polls designed for groups of all sizes

Schedule off-sites, board meetings, or sales calls for teams of all sizes.
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Even more to love

No more plugins

We directly integrate with Zoom so you don’t have to remember or need to use workaround plugins to add Zoom calls on your meeting invites. It’s also more secure.

Delete the spreadsheets

With Outstanding Slots, you no longer need to track all the availabilities you’ve previously sent.

Getting sponsored easily

Need a template you can copy so you don't need to come up with the ask from scratch? Just email and ask for a template.

Finally, a calendar for those who

actually‍run the company.

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